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Meeting times

Sunday Morning:
9:30 AM Bible Study
10:45 AM Worship Service

Wednesday Night:
7:00 PM Bible Study

There are also in-home Small Group Meetings throughout the week.

What to Expect When You Visit Us

A Friendly Welcome
We want you to know when you visit us; you can expect a warm friendly welcome. We are a family and kid friendly church.

Our goal is not to promote ourselves, but instead, to give our wills over to God.  To ensure that we are submissive to His will, we center our teachings and practices upon the Bible.  When you visit, we want you to see the stamp of Jesus in how we treat you and each other.  We do not claim to have arrived; rather we seek to continue to grow into the image of Christ.

What to expect when attending a Sunday Morning Worship Service

When you enter the auditorium on a Sunday morning, someone will welcome you, provide you with some information about the current worship service and answer any general questions you might have.

Feel free to sit wherever you like.

If you need our staffed nursery (available for children up to 2 years old) it will be to your left at the back of the auditorium.  Next to the nursery, an unstaffed training room is available for those parents who want to provide special attention and direction to their small children.

The music we offer up to God is acappella, that is singing without the accompaniment of musical instruments.  The New Testament teaches us that God wants to hear the melody of our hearts as we worship in spirit and in truth.  If you wish to join with us, you can use a hymnbook from a book rack near you or watch the large screen at the front of the auditorium.

Preaching and Teaching
Since we believe in the priesthood of all believers, you will notice that the preacher will not be using any ecclesiastical vestments to set him apart.  Also, we call him by his first name, Alex, instead of using titles such as Reverend or Pastor. The sermon, which is based upon the Bible, usually lasts about 25 to 30 minutes.  We use the end of the sermon as an expedient time to invite those who desire to make a commitment to Christ to let that be known.  You will not be singled out in any way.

There will be several prayers offered during the service.

Baskets will be passed throughout the congregation to collect a freewill offering to God.  We do not expect you to make any donation.  Feel free to just pass along the basket to the person next to you.  You may also drop in your filled out visitor card.  You can find a visitor card in the back of the pew ahead of you.

Lord’s Supper
We participate in the Lord’s Supper every Sunday just as the early Christians did.  During this memorial of Christ’s death, plates will be passed throughout the congregation with unleavened bread to remind us of Jesus’ body.  Each participant will break off a small piece of bread and eat it.  Trays containing small cups with grape juice to represent His blood will also be passed.  Those participating will drink one of the cups and return it to the tray. If you choose not to participate, don’t be embarrassed, just pass the tray or plate to the person next to you.